OpenEMR 5.0.2 is out!

It's Christmas In August!
The long awaited update to the 5-series release of OpenEMR is finally out and boy was it worth the wait. It is packed with new features and improvements destined to be the cat's meow of opensource EMR's.
New Features are:
- 2014 ONC Complete Certified EHR
- Numerous User Interface Improvements that Include Bootstrap and Responsive Web Design
- Numerous Security Improvements
- Multi-Factor Authentication Support (Support for TOTP and U2F)
- Robust Encryption Support
- Brute Force Login Prevention
- Access Control Improvements
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Improvements
- Optimization of Security for Sessions and Cookies
- Docker Deployment that Supports Best Security Practices
- New Support for Online Payment Universal Gateway (Authorize.Net 4 and Stripe Supported)
- New Support for Insurance Eligibility Checking
- New Support for SNOMED Release Format 2 (RF2)
- New Support for Unique UUID to Identify Application
- New Howto Documentation and Tooltips
- External Module Support Improvements
- Patient Portal Improvements
- Patient Flow Board and Recall Board Improvements
- Patient Lookup and Searching Improvements
- Calendar Module Improvements
- CCDA Module Improvements
- Eye Form Module Improvements
- CAMOS Form Improvements
- Online Drug Lookup Improvements
- Online Drug Interactions Lookup Improvements
- Billing Module Improvements
- Collections Report Improvements
- Patient Documents Module Improvements
- CouchDB Support Improvements
- Lab Module Improvements
- Messaging Module Improvement
- MedEx Module Improvements
- List Editor Module Improvements
- Log Module Improvements
- Prescription Module Improvements
- WENO eRx Improvements
- NewCrop eRx Improvements
- Backup Module Improvements
- Birthday Alert Improvements
- ICD10 Code Set Updated
- SNOMED RF2 Support
- Supported in 34 Languages
- Internationalization Improvements
- Numerous Bug Fixes
- Numerous Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of PHP
- Fixes to Ensure Compatible with Most Recent Version of MySQL and MariaDB
- Speed and Performance Optimizations
- Modernization of Codebase
- Complete InnoDB Database Support
Download OpenEMR 5.0.2 here.

Please be aware that HRSA recently announced a funding opportunity to expand access to mental health and substance abuse services focusing on the treatment, prevention, and awareness of opioid abuse. HRSA will award approximately $195 million via Access Increases in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (AIMS) grant to eligible health centers. Each qualified HRSA community health center H80 grant recipient may apply online for funding up to $150,000 for one year. The award date is September 1, 2017. The window of time to apply for funding is narrow and the applications are due by July 26, 2017. A few details related are included in this letter. For more information and application details, see AIMS Program Opportunities.Ongoing funding is offered to expand access to mental health services, and substance abuse services focusing on the treatment, prevention, and awareness of opioid abuse, up to $75,000 (up to $37,500 for each service). Service expansion funding must be requested equally for mental health and substance abuse services (i.e., a request of $37,500 for mental health service expansion requires a request of $37,500 for substance abuse service expansion). Awarded funds must be used to increase hours of existing or to hire mental health service personnel to expand services for prevention and awareness of opioid abuse, and their integration into primary care.
One-Time Funding to Support Expanded Services: You may also request one-time funding to leverage health IT and/or training to support the expansion of mental health and substance abuse services focusing on treatment. Sub-program funding streams are: Community Health Centers (CHC), Migrant Health Centers (MHC), Health Care for the Homeless (HCH), and/or Public Housing Primary Care (PHPC). If one-time funding is requested, indicate which focus area(s) the one-time funding will address: Medication-Assisted Treatment, Telehealth, Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs, Clinical Decision Support, new or improved EHR implementation, Quality Improvement, Cybersecurity, Other Training, and/or Other Health IT.